How ConServ ranks the
conservation of each residue.
An evolutionary
rank (conservation score) kC,
ranging from 1 (for a rapidly evolving, highly variable residue) to 9 (for a
slowly evolving, conserved residue), for each residue of a protein is calculated
for each residue directly from the free PDB chain sequence, or a provided Fasta sequence using a new locally coded implementation of ConSurf[1, 2] running in Python.
In brief the
target sequence is used to search the Uniref90 database[3] using HMMER[4] for similar sequences and the resulting matches were
then accepted or rejected according to the following criteria. Firstly, we used
CD-Hit[5] to reduce matches that have a >= 95% sequence id with
each other to only one representative sequence. Any resulting sequences that
had a <= 60% overlap with the target sequence were rejected along with any
sequence that had a either a <= 35% or a >= 95% sequence id with the
target. Finally any sequence that was a subset of itself elsewhere with a >=
10% overlap was rejected.
Following this
selection procedure the top 300 acceptable sequences, or if there are less than
300 then all, were then aligned to the target template using mafft-linsi[6] and the per residue conservation score calculated using
the rate4site program[7]. These final scores are then converted into ConSurf grades from 1–9 where residues graded 1 were the
least conserved and those graded 9 were the most conserved.
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